
and comfortable being transgenderists and saving a lot of money, a lot of pain and discomfort and the relatively high probability of further surgical experience. Therapists should be able to counsel them in that direction but unfortunately too many therapists are unaware of their own biases in this field and are fixated on a sex of the genitals rather than orientation in the head and are unable or unwilling to do much more than certify to the surgeon that the applicant is not psychotic and knows what he or she is asking for.

I have talked largely about genetic males among the "trans" people. This is because with woman's greater liberation, they are not so entrapped in this area, though they are in others. As indicated previously there are really no female equivalents of male FPs and although a few female TGs have been known historically there were and probably are not many who are not also homosexual. However in the TS field what started out as about an 8:1 ratio of males to females has now dropped to about equal numbers. It is interesting that the female to male TSS come across as much more integrated and together people than the male to female. It is probably because the former are aspiring toward that gender that is seen as being capable, strong, independent and together and therefore they assume these qualities. Since our social concept of women, in spite of Women's Lib, is still largely one of their being passive, weak, dependent, indecisive, etc., the males moving in that direction assume those qualities, too.

Now a final word about the androgeny-gynandry thing. Regardless of which word you use they mean the same thing-a person who has broken through or climbed over the barriers of gender and is capable of thereby expressing all of him/herself. Unfortunately many do not understand the word, and this includes June Singer with her book, Androgeny-Toward a New Theory of Sexuality. In it she talks as though there had at one time in human history been androgenous beings who became differentiated into masculine and feminine types and that we should now strive to recombine them, meaning our own potentials. While I strongly agree on the desireability of that end, I must also strongly assert that there was NEVER such a condition in the history of the human race. Anyone who has any understanding of evolution would easily see this. Unfortunately Singer is deeply involved in mythology and religions and probably believes in the Genesis concept of man's origins. But even Adam and Eve weren't androgenous though their Creator had to be to be able to create both in his (?) own image. Yet even HE (?) had to be a male chavinist since